Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Order Located?

Probably the most common question that we are asked is, “Where is the Order Located?”

You can find Anglican Dominicans throughout the world. We have brothers and sisters in the numerous provinces of the Anglican Communion including the Episcopal Church, The Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of England, The Anglican Church of Australia and more.

What do Anglican Dominicans do?

Members of our community are available to offer classes, seminars, preaching missions, talks at parishes, diocesan conventions, and retreats.

What do I call a Dominican?

Brother or Sister. If the Dominican is also a priest, they may go by Father or Mother.

Are all Dominicans Ordained?

No. At least half, if not more of our community are lay people.

How do I Become a Dominican?

The process begins with an informal period of inquiry, followed by a period of several months called postulancy. After this period of formal study and prayer a postulate may go forward to become a novice brother or sister. The novitiate is a two year program of discernment, training, and trying out the Dominican life.

After the novitiate and with the community’s consent the novice may take life vows. The entire process is a preparation not merely for a new form of ministry, but a new way of life.

Priests, deacons, and lay persons go through the same preparation process. Being a brother or a sister is not an “step” to becoming a deacon or a priest. Many priests have come to our Order after years of feeling that something was missing from their life and vocation. Many lay people in our order were told they should discern for Holy Orders but felt God calling them to something else, in this case, to life as a vowed person in a religious order.

Can I be affiliated with the Order without taking vows?

Yes. We have associates who value our way of following Christ and support our work. In some parishes Saint Dominic Societies are formed which are groups of lay people who are committed to regular study, prayer, and supporting and engaging in the work of evangelism and out reach.